Welcome to App Island Schools!

Our ambition is to provide an interactive online platform, where all materials developed so far are coming together, namely:
- The iSHRINK matching scan , that will allow island schools and other schools from depopulating and isolated regions across Europe to find each other and collaborate on solving relevant challenges.
- The iSHRINK Teaching and Learning Materials, that will give to schools, which have found matches using the scan, everything they need to work together on a societal challenge.
- A gallery of the products produced by pupils to solve the challenges that their community faces. This serves as an inspiration for teachers, students and specialists all over the world to start with the iSHRINK programme.
So, dear schools after having a look on the abovementioned resources, or after exploiting these materials, it is now time to proceed to your registration to the online platform. Please fill in all the fields that describe your school, in order to find your perfect match!